Stephanie A. Lockwood, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Practice and Associate Chair for Online Programming
Department of Biological Sciences
Phone: +1 (806) 834-0236
eDNA, Coastal Marine Communities, Coral Reef Ecology, Tropical Marine Biology, Invertebrate
Ecology, Online Biology Education
Research Groups: Ecology and Environmental Biology, Genetics and Genomics
Office Number: Waco Extension Site
Current Graduate Students:
•Maddie Knauss (NRM, Co-Chair)
Research Links:
Undergraduate Coral Reef Research – TIDES Laboratory
iNaturalist Profile
- BIOL 1402: Biology of Animals (online)
- BIOL 3309: Principles of Ecology (online)
- BIOL 3393: Tropical Marine Biology (online)
- ZOOL 3406: Comparative Invertebrate Zoology (online)
- ZOOL 4313: Medical Entomology (online)
- ZOOL 4312: Insect Diversity (online)

Education & Awards
- Ph.D. Biology, Texas Tech University (2011)
- M.S. Biology, Eastern New Mexico University (2006)
- B.S. Geology, Eastern New Mexico University (2003)
- A.A.S. Avionics Systems Technology, Community College of the Air Force (1998)
- President's Engaged Scholarship Award for Excellence in Community Engaged Research (2022)
- Texas Tech Teaching Academy Member (2019)
Research Interests:
In my position at Texas Tech at Waco, I am responsible for undergraduate research versus my own research program. My background is in entomological and invertebrate zoological research. Over the past eight years, I have focused on the study of marine invertebrates on coral reefs of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in Roatan, Honduras. Driven to create a differentiating research experience for students, I partnered with an MCC professor to develop a collaborative, international marine research program: Texas Integrated Diving and Ecological Studies (TIDES) laboratory (See link above). I also work with other students on individually tailored research projects. Students develop their own research projects and then study abroad to complete their projects in Honduras.Publications (*Undergraduate students)
- Knauss, M., M.A. Barnes, Z.F.A. Bergum, M. Fokar, and A. Lockwood. Assessing the Diversity of Fishes Along the Texas Gulf Coast Using Environmental DNA Metabarcoding. In Prep.
- *Castillo, E., S. Randell, *A. Roy, K. Phelps, S. Hill and Lockwood. Frequency of Dark Spot Syndrome on Starlet Corals of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Honduras. In Prep.
- Lockwood, S.A., S. Hill, and S. Randell. 2020. Engaging students in experiential learning: Texas Integrated Diving and Ecological Studies (TIDES) Laboratory. Article 73 In: McMahon K, editor. Advances in biology laboratory education. Volume 41. Publication of the 41st Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). [Access this Extended Abstract] [Access this Poster]
- *Kroll, M.L., *B.A. Rodriguez, *A.C. Edie, K.L. Phelps, D.E. Hamilton, S.M. Randell, and S.A. Lockwood. 2018. Poriferan Abundance is Negatively Associated with Coral Health in the Mesoamerican Reef. Texas Journal of Science 70(1):Article 7.
- Lockwood, S.A. Graduate Teaching Assistants Can Affect Undergraduate STEM Retention Rates: A Need for Graduate Teaching Professional Development. Page 64 in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 36 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 36th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 81 pages. [Access this Extended Abstract] [Access this Poster]
- Lockwood, S.A. and R.J. Deslippe. 2014. Queen red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) induce colony sororicide to reduce competition. Southwestern Entomologist 39(2):215-221.
- Lockwood, S.A., A. Miller, and M. Cromie. 2014. Preparing Future Biology Faculty: A Graduate Student Professional Development Program. The American Biology Teacher 76(1):17-21.
- Lockwood, S.A. 2013. Establishing a Solid Pedagogical Foundation in Biology Graduate Teaching Assistants. Page 460 in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Volume 34 (K. McMahon, Editor). Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), 499 pages. [Access this Abstract]
- Lockwood, S.A., HaghiPour-Peasley, D.R. Hoffman, and R.J. Deslippe. 2012. Identification, expression, and immuno-reactivity of venom gland proteins of queen red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Toxicon 60(5):752-759.
- Lockwood, S.A. and D. A. Pollock. 2012. Landscape and habitat attributes of species of Glyptasida Casey (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 66(1):15-22.
- Lockwood, S.A. and D. A. Pollock. 2009. A revision of the genus Glyptasida Casey (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Asidini). Zootaxa 2023:1-27.
Selected Talks and Presentations
- Mowry, A.*, M. Flores*, E. Villa*, C. Blanton*, R. Barboza*, C. Helona*, G. Dominguez*, S. Victoria*, A. Warren*, S. Lockwood, and S. Randell. 2024. Microplastics Analysis in Surficial Sediments along the Brazos and Bosque Rivers, McLennan County, Texas. Heart of Texas Undergraduate Research Conference. Baylor University. Waco, TX.
- Dominguez, L.*, X. Garza*, A. Quintanilla*, S. Lockwood, M. Hicks., R. Gomez, T. Robertson, and S. Randell. 2024. Abundance and Disease Status for Starlet Corals in the Bay Islands, Honduras. Heart of Texas Undergraduate Research Conference. Baylor University. Waco, TX.
- Knauss, M., M.A. Barnes, Z.F.A. Bergum, M. Fokar, and S.A. Lockwood. 2024. Assessing the diversity of fishes along the Texas Gulf Coast using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX.
- Kennedy, A.*, A. Mowry*, R. Gomez, M. Hicks, S. Lockwood, T. Robertson, and S. Randell. 2024. Health Status of Sea Urchin Communities in Roatán, Honduras. Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX.
- Mowry, A.*, M. Flores*, E. Villa*, C. Blanton*, R. Barboza*, C. Helona*, G. Dominguez*, S. Victoria*, A. Warren*, S. Lockwood, and S. Randell. 2024. Microplastics Analysis in Surficial Sediments along the Brazos and Bosque Rivers, McLennan County, Texas. Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX. Best Freshwater Undergraduate Talk
- Knauss, K. and S. Lockwood. 2022. Teleost and Elasmobranch Diversity Along the Texas Coastline: eDNA and Metabarcoding. Texas Academy of Science. University of Houston – Clear Lake. Clear Lake, TX.
- Microplastic Loading in the Sediment of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in Roatan, Honduras. Gallardo, Z.*, K. Dolan*, Alyssa Clay*, S. Hill, Lockwood, and S. Randell. 2020. Texas Academy of Sciences. Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.
Poster Presentations
- Dominguez, L.*, X. Garza*, A. Quintanilla*, S. Lockwood, M. Hicks., R. Gomez, T. Robertson, and S. Randell. 2024. Abundance and Disease Status for Starlet Corals in the Bay Islands, Hondura Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX. Best Marine Undergraduate Poster
- Flores, M.*, R. Musick*, J. Crupe*, S. Lockwood, and S. Randell. 2024. Fish Diversity in Roatan Honduras. Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX.
- Mowry, A*, A. Kennedy*, S. Randell, and S. Lockwood. 2024. Reef Fish Assemblages of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in Roatán, Honduras. Texas Academy of Science. University of Texas – Permian Basin. Odessa, TX.
- Clay, A.*, C. Gonzalez*, and Lockwood. 2022. Superorder Batoidea (Skates and Rays) Biodiversity Along the Texas Gulf Coast. Texas Academy of Science. University of Houston – Clear Lake. Clear Lake, TX. Best Marine Undergraduate Poster.
- Roy, A.* and S. Lockwood. Influence of Fire on Insect Succession in Forensic Investigations in Central Texas. 2020.Texas Academy of Science. Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.
- Castillo, E.*, M. Juarez*, G. Garcia*, S. Lockwood, T. Robertson, S. Hill and S. Randell. A Longitudinal Study: The Abundance of Dark Spot Syndrome on Starlet Corals on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef in Roatan and Utilá, Honduras. 2019. Community College Undergraduate Research Initiative (CCURI) National Poster Session, Hart Senate Office Building, Washington
Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Box 43131 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2715 -