Spanish Faculty
Dr. John Beusterien
Professor of Spanish
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
John Beusterien was born in Detroit, Michigan, and received a B.A. and M.A. from the
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor). Before joining Texas Tech in 2005, Beusterien
taught at Albion College (Michigan), Colby College (Maine), and the University of
Miami (Florida).
He serves as the managing editor of Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America.
He is also developing Lubbock Waters to educate about the ecosystem of the southern high plains.
CV (with links to book reviews, on-line publications, and poetry)
Podcast-Research Featured on Humanities on the High Plains: "The Thirsty Llano Estacado"
Poetry and Short Stories
Courses Commonly Taught
- Poetry and Culture
- Environmental Humanities and Animals Studies
- Miguel de Cervantes and Don Quixote
- The Llano Estacado
- Literature of the Spanish Golden Age
Ph.D. Dissertation Advisees
Missael Duarte Somoza, 2024 (Lecturer, Louisiana State University)
Isabel Carmona Ojeda, 2023
Zachary Brandner, 2022 (Assistant Professor and Murphy Fellow, Hendrix College)
Julio César Pérez Méndez, 2017 (Assistant Professor, Universidad del Sinú, Colombia)
Heath Wing, Outstanding Dissertation Award in Humanities and Fine Arts and Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2015 (Professor, South Dakota State University)
Martine Price, 2016 (Senior Lecturer of Spanish, University of North Texas)
Catherine Grissom, 2016
John Baron, 2016
- Governing Committee and Affiliated Faculty in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Governing Committee in Comparative Literature
Ambassador for International Digital Storytelling Festival Our New Gold
Areas of Research
- Environmental Humanities
- Southern High Plains
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Theater in Early Modern Spain
- Creative Writing
- Animals
- Water
- History of Race
Don D. Walker Prize for Best Essay on the Literature and Culture of the North American West (offered by the Western Literature Association)
Co-author Timothy Foster. " The Thirsty Llano Estacado: The Manuel Maés Ballad Corpus." Great Plains Quarterly 42:1-2 (2022): 17-48.
Recent Publications
Elephants and Ivory in China and Spain. 2025. Co-author with Stephen West. Eds. Geraldine Heng and Susan Noakes. Cambridge Elements Series on Global Middle Ages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Video abstract:
“Birdsong and the Earths Polyrhythm: The Life of a Caged Blue Rock Thrush in Early Modern Spain.” Beyond Human: Decentering the Anthropocene in Spanish Ecocriticism. Eds. Shanna Lino and Maryanne Leone. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2023. 56-75.
“Whats in a Name? Animals and Humanities Biogeography.” A Companion to Spanish Environmental Cultural Studies. Ed. Luis I. (Iñaki) Prádanos. Woodbridge: Tamesis. 2023.119-124.
“Callejeando Sevilla histórica: Una caminata antirracista por la ciudad [Exploring the Streets of Historic Seville: An Anti-Racist Walk through the City].” Co-authors Chloe Ireton and Sara Pink. Hispania: Official Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 104.3 (2020): 332-339."
Co-edited with Ana Laguna. Goodbye Eros: Reassessing the Ethos of Love in Age of Cervantes. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Transoceanic Animals as Spectacle in Early Modern Spanish (Amsterdam University Press, 2020)
Video of the book presentation
Table of Contents and Introduction
CMLL Spanish Program
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -