Department of Geosciences
Department News and Announcements
- Welcome from the Department Chair.
- WE ARE HIRING! Seeking applications for two tenure track assistant professor positions in the fields of Health Geography and a postion in partnership with The Center for Urban-Rural Environmental Sustainability (CURES) and the THRIVE!. Applications should be received by 21 January 2025.
- Department Allocation Committee Funded Projects
- After interviewing several candidates, Dr. Michael San Francisco has selected Dr. Callum Hetherington to serve as Interim Department Chair effective September 1, 2021. Dr. Hetherington has broad service experience in the department, college and university making for a strong background to manage the department.
- Congratulations to Dr. George Asquith, Dr. Cal Barnes, Dr. Tom Lehman and Dr. Kevin Mulligan on their recent retirements. These faculty gave a combined 113 year of service to the university. Some plan to continue to pursue academic endeavors and others to enjoy retirement and travel. These faculty members have influenced an entire generation of students and will leave big shoes to fill. We wish each one a very happy retirement!
- Congratulations to Dr. Tarek Kandakji (TTU Ph.D. 2020) who has accepted a position as a Remote Sensing Specialist at Yale Univeristy.
- Geology faculty Dr. Aaron Yoshinobu and Dr. Cal Barnes received funding from NSF ($368,003) in collaboration with Dr. Kathleen Surpless ($160,000) (Trinity University, San Antonio) titled: Testing models for the Late Jurassic Nevadan Orogeny: Age, provenance, and structural evolution of the Galice and Mariposa basins, Oregon and California. This collaborative project will involve TTU graduate and undergraduate students along with undergraduate students from Trinity University
Department of Geosciences
Department of Geosciences, 1200 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1053 -
806.742.3102 -