Lydia Kloiber, M.S., RDN, LD
Phone: (806) 834-3575
Room: HS 402B
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Lydia Kloiber has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist for 20 years. As a clinical
dietitian she practiced in critical care and neonatal nutrition and was the nutrition
support dietitian. She also worked as a consulting dietitian for long term care facilities
and rural hospitals prior to joining the faculty at Texas Tech. Lydia also served
as an expert witness for multiple medical malpractice legal cases across the country.
She served as the Director of the Didactic Program for Dietetics from 2007-2015.
She was instrumental in creating online courses for the Nutritional Sciences undergraduate
![Lydia Kloiber Lydia Kloiber](/hs/ns/images/faculty/kloiber.jpg)
1992-1994 University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas
Degree: Master of Science
Major: Dietetics and Nutrition
Thesis: Late Hyponatremia in Very Low Birthweight Infants
1991-1991 University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas
Dietetic Internship
1976-1980 Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Food and Nutrition
NS 1201-Intro to Dietetics
NS 1410-Science of Nutrition for Majors/Minors, Honors and online
NS 2380-Cultural Aspects of Foods-online version
NS 4340-Medical Nutrition Therapy I
NS 4350-Emerging Issues in Food Sciences and Nutrition- online
NS 5337-Nutrition Support- online
NS 5346-Clinical Applications: Carbohydrates, Proteins & Lipids- online
Boylan, LM, Kloiber, LL. Science of Nutrition Laboratory Manual, 2009. Kendall Hunt Publishing. Dubuque, IA (ISBN-978-7575-6822-3)
Kloiber, LL. 2004 Does the Crime Fit the Expert Witness? Injury to a Child by Starvation -A Dietitian's Testimony J Forensic Sci, Jan 2004, Vol 49, No.1, 108-10.
Frankel, EH, Enow, NB,, Jackson, KC, & Kloiber, LL. 1998. Occluded Feeding Tubes: Techniques and Procedures Methods of Restoring Patency to Occluded Feeding Tubes. Nutr Clin Prac. 13:129-31, June 1998.
Kloiber, LL, Winn,NJ & Shaffer, SG. 1996. Late Hyponatremia in Very Low Birthweight Infants: Incidence and Associated Risk Factors. J Am Diet Assoc. 1996; 98:880-4.
2017Texas Distinguished Dietitian Award- Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Excellence in Teaching Award- Texas Tech College of Human Sciences
Nutritional Sciences
Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41270, Lubbock, TX 79409-1270 -
806.742.5270 -