Texas Tech University

Sandra Huston, Ph.D.

Associate Vice Provost, Associate School Director, Professor
Personal Financial Planning

Email: sandra.huston@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-8395

Office: HS 234D


Sandra Huston


Ph.D. in consumer economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  Assistant professor and state extension specialist at University of Missouri-Columbia from 2001 through 2006, currently a professor at Texas Tech University.

Leadership / Awards Texas Tech University
2006 Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education outstanding journal article award.  2005 ACCI Certified Financial Planner® board financial planning research award.

Research Interests

Financial Education/Financial Literacy, Investment behavior using the Surveys of Consumer Finances and the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth.

Classes Taught

Personal and Family Finance for non-majors (PFP 3301), Family Financial Counseling (PFP 2325), Family and Consumption Behavior (CEED 6376), Research Methods I (PFP 5378), Advanced Technology Applications in Personal Financial Planning (PFP 4380/PFP 5380).

Recent Publications

Huston, S. 2007. Comments on Using the Survey of Consumer Finances: Methodological Considerations and Issues, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41 (2), 218-222. Finke, M.S., Sharpe, D.L. and Huston, S.J. 2006. Balance sheets of early boomers: Are they different from pre-boomers? Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 27(3), 542-561. Finke, M.S., Huston, S.J., Siman, E. and Corlija, M. 2005. Characteristics of Recent Adjustable-rate Mortgage Borrowers, Financial Counseling and Planning, 16(2), 17-28. Finke, M.S., and Huston, S.J. 2004. Risk and myopic financial decisions. Journal of Personal Finance, 3(3): 99-112. Finke, M.S., and Huston, S.J. 2003. The brighter side of financial risk: Financial risk tolerance and wealth. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 24(3): 233-256.