Texas Tech University

Credit by Exam

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Due to challenges presented by COVID-19, we will exchange a print-based CBE for an online version, if that option exists for the particular exam. The $15 proctoring fee will be required. Email ttuk12@ttu.edu for information.

General CBE Information

TTU K-12 offers over 150 Credit by Exams (CBEs) to evaluate a student’s mastery of a given subject or discipline relative to Texas standards. These exams align with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and can be used to make up a failed credit or test out of a subject they have already mastered.

Once a student has enrolled in a CBE, they will have six months from the enrollment date to complete their exam. All Print-based CBEs must be administered by an approved proctor. All Online CBEs will be proctored using Proctorio, our online proctoring service. All online CBEs include an additional fee for the online proctoring service. See our Tuition and Fees page for current pricing.

Fees - All CBE fees are non-refundable and non-transferable:

There is a $55 fee per print-based CBE.

Online CBEs are $55 + $15 for online proctoring for a total cost of $70 per online CBE.

CBE Enrollment Process

Full-Time Students:

  1. Obtain approval – full time TTU K-12 students must talk with their academic advisor before enrolling in a CBE. A student’s final 2.5 credits before graduation must be taken as full courses, not CBEs.
  2. Proctorio – Proctorio is a remote proctoring service. All online CBEs will require online proctoring. Starting September 1, 2019, all course final exams will require online proctoring. For more information, view our Proctorio FAQ's.  
  3. Enroll in the Exam – Once a student has obtained approval and has a proctor, they may enroll in the exam online, via their advisor or by mail/fax.
  4. Prepare for the Exam – Students can download the CBE review sheet for the exam they plan to take. The review sheet will explain how to study for the exam and what assignments or additional materials are due at the time of the exam.
  5. Take the Exam – Students have six months from the day of enrollment to take their CBE. No extensions, refunds or transfers will be granted. Once a CBE expires, it cannot be taken again without re-enrollment.
  6. Receive a Credit – If a student has received no prior instruction in a subject, they must score 80% or above on the CBE to be awarded credit. If a student has received prior instruction in a subject, they must score 70% or above to be awarded credit.

Part-Time Students:

  1. Obtain Approval – Non-full time students must receive approval from their school counselor before enrolling in a CBE. If a student fails to obtain approval, the school may not award credit for the exam.
  2. Proctorio – Proctorio is a remote proctoring service. All online CBEs will require online proctoring. Starting September 1, 2019, all course final exams will require online proctoring. For more information, view our Proctorio FAQ's.
  3. Enroll in the Exam – Once a student has obtained approval and has a proctor (for print-based CBEs), they may enroll in the exam online. Online CBEs will use the online proctoring service.
  4. Prepare for the Exam – Students can download the CBE review sheet for the exam they plan to take. The review sheet will explain how to study for the exam and what assignments or additional materials are due at the time of the exam.
  5. Take the Exam – Students have six months from the day of enrollment to take their CBE. No extensions, refunds or transfers will be granted. Once a CBE expires, it cannot be taken again without re-enrollment.
  6. Receive Credit – The minimum passing score for a CBE is determined by local district policy. Students must check with their school administrators to determine the score needed on a CBE in order to be awarded credit. Please note: high school seniors wanting to meet a spring graduation deadline need to contact their school counselor to determine the deadline for taking a CBE.

Exam Policies & Development

TTU K-12 CBE Certification for 2018-2019 school year

All TTU K-12 CBEs are now approved for both remediation and acceleration purposes! On September 14, 2018, The State Board of Education approved Texas Tech University K-12’s proposal and timeline for meeting the revised TAC 74.24 rule. As a result, we are now SBOE-approved to offer all CBEs to any interested student. This includes those students who wish to take a CBE for End-of-Course subjects for acceleration.

According to TEA policy §74.24, Credit by Exams (c)(9), a student may not attempt to earn credit by examination for a specific high school course more than two times.

TTU CBE Certification Reports

Texas' credit by exams policy 19 TAC §74.24 requires providers of CBEs to Texas school districts to certify that their examinations meet specific rule criteria and to report student scores annually. Please see the following TTU CBE Certification Reports for details, including clarification of TTU CBEs alignment with the new CBE rules effective August 2018.

TTU CBE EOC Courses Certification Report

TTU CBE Non-EOC Courses Certification Report