Texas Tech University

Texas Tech Law Public-Service Program

Student Pro Bono Board Group Photo

Texas Tech Law is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to gain practical legal experience by providing legal services to underserved communities and causes. Current 3L students are encouraged to become part of the Pro Bono Honor Roll, a voluntary program that works with bar groups, legal services providers, law firms, pro bono attorneys, and the law school community to help students:

  • Provide much-needed legal services to underserved people;
  • Build relationships with practicing attorneys;
  • Develop and enhance many practical legal skills such as interviewing, research, drafting pleadings, and trial preparation under the supervision of a licensed attorney;
  • Gain exposure to different areas of substantive law; and
  • Gain professional experience and enhance their resumes.
  • Students have a variety of pro bono opportunities to choose from throughout the year in Lubbock and other cities.

Public-Service Graduation Requirement

Day of Service

Students entering Texas Tech Law as new J.D. students in or after fall 2015 must complete at least 30 hours of public service before they graduate. At least 15 hours must be in pro bono legal service, and the remaining 15 hours may be in pro bono legal service or non-legal community service.

With the public-service graduation requirement, students are exposed to their professional and ethical obligation to engage in pro bono legal services and learn the importance of and need for a life-long commitment to public service. Students learn and develop valuable skills in hands-on settings, interact with practicing attorneys and members of the community, and give back to the community. In the process of volunteering, they also meet valuable professional contacts and potential references.

Current Students

Current 1L and 2L students can log in to Blackboard to view more information related to the requirement, including a list of pre-approved law-related and non-law related opportunities and the forms necessary to obtain credit. Visit Facebook and getconnected.volunteerlubbock.org for public-service opportunities.

Program Contact

If you are an attorney or a legal aid provider who would like to discuss partnering with the law school or a law student on a pro bono case or project, please contact Director for Pro Bono Projects, Melissa Vasquez at probono.law@ttu.edu or (806) 834-8793. Please do not contact this office if you are a potential client seeking legal advice or representation.

Important Links
