Land Arts 2018
Land Arts of the American West at Texas Tech is a field program investigating the intersection of human construction and the evolving nature of the planet.
As a semester abroad in our own back yard, we ventured across the desert southwest camping for 54 nights traveling 6,424 to explore forces that shape contemporary landscapes. The exhibition culminates the 2018 field season presenting documents and constructions by Jessie Dodington, Elise Dupré, Amanda Jolley, Cara Joven, Shay Myerson, Elijah Olson, and Hannah Rotwein. The program is directed by Chris Taylor and assisted in the field by Emily Rabinowitz.
For more on the project, visit the Land Arts website.
The photo is: Examining brine collection canal with CLUI's Matt Coolidge, Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, 17 Sept 2018.
Museum of Texas Tech University
3301 4th Street, Lubbock, TX 79415 -
806.742.2490 -