Texas Tech University

Terry Fuller Petroleum Engineering Research Building

About the building

Terry Fuller Petroleum Engineering building

The Terry Fuller Petroleum Engineering Research Building is a $22,800,000 facility with approximately 42,000 square feet of modern classroom and research space. The primary goal of the construction of the new building was to provide a facility that would integrate formal teaching environments with hands-on practical applications using cutting-edge research facilities and techniques. It has set the national benchmark for petroleum educational facilities.

Industry asked engineering schools to produce more industry-ready engineers…the Bob L. Herd Department of Petroleum Engineering has accepted this challenge, raised admission standards to a 3.00 GPA at Texas Tech, and sustained one of the largest departments in the country.

The Terry Fuller Petroleum Engineering Research Building features a unique cluster of laboratories. Through the integration of these laboratories, a systems approach is taken in petroleum engineering education that covers the entire spectrum of exploration and production, including business profitability analysis. Key courses in this new facility will address responsible and efficient use of water, the region and the world's most precious resource.

Each of the labs are associated with the overall petroleum engineering curriculum or specific courses and tightly integrate with students' experiences in other laboratories and other disciplines such as geosciences and environmental engineering.

The integrated petroleum laboratories offer students both a theoretical and practical education that compliments classroom material through hands-on applications. The building features the following laboratories, teaching, and research areas:

Additional administrative areas and spaces:

This building is symbolic of Texas Tech's commitment to the petroleum industry and its investment to propel this program to the top of petroleum engineering departments.

Naming Opportunities

Several naming opportunities exist for classrooms, laboratories, offices, and other rooms in the new building. For more information, contact the Office of Development at 806.742.3451.



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