Daniel Nathan
Professor Nathan received his degrees from the University of Michigan (A.B.) and from the University of Illinois at Chicago (M.A. and Ph.D.). He writes and teaches in the areas of aesthetics, ethics, and philosophy of law. Currently, he is working on problems of interpretation in legal philosophy and aesthetics.
Representative Publications:
Daniel Nathan's articles on topics in aesthetics, ethical theory, and philosophy of law have appeared in the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, the British Journal of Aesthetics, Erkenntnis, and Public Affairs Quarterly, and include:
“Art, Meaning, and Artist's Meaning,” Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Art, edited by Matthew Kieran, Blackwell's Publishers (Oxford UK), 2006, 282-295
“A Paradox in Intentionalism,” The British Journal of Aesthetics, January 2005, 45:1, 32-48
"Liberal Principles and Government Support for the Arts," Public Affairs Quarterly, April 1994, 157-167.
"Irony, Metaphor, and the Problem of Intention," Intention and Interpretation, edited by Gary Iseminger, Temple University Press, 1992, 183-203.
"Just Looking: Voyeurism and the Grounds of Privacy," Public Affairs Quarterly, October 1990, 381‑402.
"Skepticism and Legal Interpretation," Erkenntnis, September 1990, vol. 33, 165‑189.
"Irony and the Artist's Intention," British Journal of Aesthetics, Summer 1982, 22:3, 245-257.
Contact Information:
Phone: (806) 742-0373 ext 340
Email: daniel.nathan@ttu.edu
Department of Philosophy
Box 43092, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409-3092 -
806.742.3275 | Fax: 806.742.0730 -