Texas Tech University

  • Title IX logo

Location: Doak Hall 129. 


What is Title IX?

Title IX Regulation

Under the United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title IX states that, "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." 20 USCA § 1681.

Texas Tech is committed to providing its students, faculty, and staff with an educational and workplace environment free from any form of unlawful discrimination. The Texas Tech community is dedicated to fostering and supporting a culture of mutual respect and communication. Texas Tech University does not tolerate discrimination or harassment of students based on or related to sex, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, protected veteran status, or other protected categories, classes, or characteristics. While sexual orientation and gender identity are not protected categories under state or federal law, it is Texas Tech University policy not to discriminate on this basis. Actions related to admission, discipline, housing, extracurricular and academic opportunities shall not be made based on a student’s protected status. Discriminatory behavior is prohibited regardless of the manner in which it is exhibited, whether verbally, in writing, or electronically displayed or conveyed. Individuals who violate these policies and laws are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

Examples of the types of discrimination and violence that are strictly prohibited by Texas Tech include but are not limited to: sexual harassment, the failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics, discrimination in a school's science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) courses and programs, discrimination based on pregnancy.

In addition to Title IX, certain Clery specific crimes are also considered to be Title IX violations and will be handled by the university as mandated under both statutory requirements. These include but are not limited to sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Title IX at Texas Tech University

Office for Student Civil Rights and Sexual Misconduct Areas 

Reporting an Incident

Supportive Measures and Resources 

Policies and Procedures

Employee Resources

Title IX Staff Training

University Annual Reports


File a Title IX Report - Report a Title IX violation

How to file a Title IX report - step by step instructions

At Texas Tech, we value your voice and want to ensure you feel heard. Real Response allows you to report your concerns anonymously. Please click the Real Response button below or scan the QR code to text an anonymous report.
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Texas Tech Title IX Coordinator Texas Tech's Title IX Coordinator is the designated university official with primary responsibility for coordinating the university's compliance with Title IX and other federal and state laws and regulations relating to sex-based discrimination. Dr. Kimberly Simón Title IX Coordinator 806.834.1949 kimberly.simon@ttu.edu

Title IX