Doctoral Students
Before Your First Term
- Be sure to visit Newly Admitted Students page as it will be helpful in preparing to come to Texas Tech University.
- Read the University Catalog - The University Catalog is a wealth of information during your time at TTU. Please familiarize yourself with the Graduate school section of the catalog. The catalog can be found here: The graduate school section can be found here.
- Transfer Coursework and Degree Plan - During your first year at TTU, you will be expected to complete a Degree Plan form.
This form is a tentative road map towards your degree. Your department and advisor
will help you choose the courses for your degree plan, and determine which courses
can transfer and be used towards your degree. Be sure to submit official transcripts
and list what courses you will use according to these guidelines.
A certified line-by-line credential evaluation must be provided for international coursework you wish to transfer towards your degree. Please visit for a list of accredited credential evaluation providers.
During Your Program
- Degree Plan -
- Degree plans for Doctoral students can be found here.
- Your degree plan should be completed within the first year at Texas Tech. The degree plan is a tentative outline of the courses you will take during your degree and lists any transfer work that will count towards your degree. Similarly, this should list your committee and dissertation title if known. Your advisor should submit your degree plan to the graduate school directly.
- Dates and Deadlines
- Students are expected to be familiar with dates and deadlines. The TTU academic calendar can be found here:
- For graduating students, please refer to the Graduation Deadlines tab on this website as well as the "Completing your degree" section.
- Continuous Enrollment
- The continuous enrollment requirement is a Texas Tech University policy regarding how many hours a student should enroll in each term. Full-time for a Doctoral student is typically between 9 and 13 hours and for other graduate students, 9 and 16 hours.
- The continuous enrollment requirement varies from each student based on a number of factors. The details of this requirement can be viewed here. But for most students, if you are receiving University funding, you must be enrolled full time. If you have begun Thesis or Dissertation hours, you must enroll in 6000 or 8000-level courses each term, including summer, until you graduate. In your final term, you should enroll in 3 hours.
- Changing or Adding Programs
- Texas Tech University offers a number of different certificates and majors. If you wish to change programs or add another program to your degree, you must submit a new application through our Admissions portal here. This includes but is not limited to adding new levels of study and enrolling in certificate programs offered at Texas Tech. This includes but is not limited to adding new levels of study and enrolling in certificate programs offered at Texas Tech.
- Registration Changes
- Adding or dropping a course: Open registration for a given term begins in the prior semester and stays open until about the first week of classes. Beyond this date, your advisor can add or drop courses by requesting them in Sharepoint.
- If a student has sat out for a semester, either on an approved leave of absence or due to withdrawing from the university, students must be readmitted to the graduate school.
- Time Ticket errors may occur when a student's graduation date is not updated in the system. If you are having this error, please change your graduation date in Raiderlink or request your advisor to Submit a Change of Graduation Date request.
Completing Your Degree
- Apply to Graduate
- The application to graduate is mandatory for all students intending to graduate. You can apply up to one year in advance. The application to graduate initiates the audit process at the graduate school, and the deadline is strict. Failure to apply by the given semester's deadline will result in extending your graduation to the next term. You can Apply Here.
- If you receive an error message that you have no terms available, you have either already applied or your graduation date needs to be updated. You can do this in your Raiderlink MyTech tab in the Current Term section.
- Dissertations and Theses
- Students should complete the Defense Notification Form least three weeks prior to defending. This document should be submitted by their advisor to the graduate school.
- Graduate advisors should then submit the approval form indicating successful defense and acceptance of thesis/dissertation by committee via the Oral Exam and Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form
- Thesis/dissertation is formatted according to Graduate School guidelines.
- Thesis/dissertation is submitted for formatting review via the ETD Electronic Thesis and Dissertation webpage.
- Complete corrections for Thesis and Dissertation corrections and resubmit to the graduate school by the allotted deadline.
- Commencement information.
I am having a problem registering. Who should I contact?
When you register, you may receive an error message in Raiderlink. If the message is about a hold, you can check who applied your hold in the TTU MyTech section of Raiderlink under Registration Status. If the message indicates a time ticket, your Graduate advisor should request a time ticket from the graduate school. Most other issues in registration can best be handled by your Graduate Advisor.
How and when do I apply to graduate?
You can apply to graduate UP TO 1 YEAR before your graduating term. The Application to Graduate can be completed in your Raiderlink ( Note: If you are receiving the error that you do not have a graduating term, there are three possible issues: your expected graduation date is incorrect, you have missed the deadline to apply, or you have already applied. You may need change your graduation date in Raiderlink or have your Graduate Advisor submit a request to change your graduation date.
What forms should I turn in to Enrollment Services?
All forms you complete cannot be hand-delivered to the graduate school. Each department is different in how they handle documents, but most documents should be turned in to the graduate advisor in your department or the faculty advisor of your program. Our paper documents explain the method for how to submit these to the graduate school at the bottom of the page.
Where can I turn in my Thesis or Dissertation?
The ETD system (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) allows you to view your submission status and submit your documents online. Please find more information in the Master's and Doctoral Program tabs.
I am graduating this semester and want to know if I'm on track. Who should I contact?
In your graduating term, the Enrollment Services Team audits all students for graduation after the deadline to Apply to Graduate. After audits have begun, your advisor has access to see any requirements that you may be missing. If you are graduating at a later term, your advisor is the best person to contact regarding your progress to graduation.
What is the purpose of the Enrollment Services Division of the Graduate School?
The enrollment services division of the Graduate School is responsible for maintaining documentation of students who are currently enrolled at Texas Tech all the way through graduation. Enrollment Services is responsible for maintaining academic records, enrollment requirements, and graduation requirements through each student's academic career.
I have a question that isn't answered above. Where can I find the answer to my question?
All graduate students are expected to be familiar with the University Catalog. At the graduate school, we strongly suggest searching the catalog first. This will likely answer any questions that you may have, and it allows us to focus on student records and processing documents. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the catalog, you may contact the Liaison of your college.
Graduate School
Administration Building 328, Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1030 -