The Pathways to Resilient Youth Development (PRYDe) lab conducts research in the areas of neuropsychology, child psychology, and forensic psychology. Research in the PRYDe lab examines positive development (or resilience) across populations, contexts, and outcomes but much of our work focuses on justice-involved youth and youth experiencing traumatic brain injuries. Although we take a translational, multidisciplinary approach to these issues and use a variety of experimental strategies, our research is grounded in neuroscience and neuropsychology. We are particularly interested in understanding the interactions between cognitive abilities, neurobiology, and psychosocial environment on positive development; exploring the role played by psychopathology and neurocognitive functioning in the outcomes of justice-involved youth; and clarifying the impact of protective factors on treatment response.
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Psychological Sciences
Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences, Box 42051 Lubbock, TX 79409-2051 -